Ingegneria: lunedì 3 aprile

Workshop "Writing a technical paper for the IEEE. Tips for young authors"

Lunedì 3 Aprile 2017 ore 10.00-12.30 si terrà presso la Scuola di Ingegneria, Aula Caminetto, un training rivolto agli studenti di PHD su come pubblicare con IEEE.

Il workshop "Writing a technical paper for the IEEE. Tips for young authors", tenuto in lingua inglese da Eszter Lukacs, IEEE Client Services Manager, verterà sui seguenti temi:

• Overview of the structure of a scientific article and methods foi improving the writing skills,
• Choosing where to communicate – a conference or a journal? How to decide?
• A review of the editorial process will follow – the "do's" and "don'ts" during the submission and revision process.
• Possibilities of open access publishing with IEEE
• Open discussion on issues faced during the process, suggestions and sharing online resources for further information.


Data di pubblicazione

31 Marzo 2017


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