Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneo

Photos by Matilde Borri, Sofia Carfora e Davide Sestaioni, participants in the Photo contest Shots in the Library

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Readings in the centre at the Social Sciences Library.

Readings in the centre at the Social Sciences Library. Reading suggestions on the occasion of Safer Internet Day

The latest Italian edition of "Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine" available in e-book format .

The latest Italian edition of "Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine" available in e-book format . 

New Unifi proxy.

New Unifi proxy. For secure access to online resources from outside the University

Extension of the exhibition "1966 and beyond. Books and documents from the University of Florence recovered from the flood".

Extension of the exhibition "1966 and beyond. Books and documents from the University of Florence recovered from the flood". Exhibition extended until February 28, 2025

1966 and beyond. Books and documents from the University of Florence recovered from the flood.

1966 and beyond. Books and documents from the University of Florence recovered from the flood. Bibliographic and documentary exhibition, November 6 - December 20, 2024, Humanities Library

Adolfo Targioni Tozzetti Archive: an agreement to enhance it.

Adolfo Targioni Tozzetti Archive: an agreement to enhance it. Work in progress at Sciences Campus Library

Subscription to the New York Times.

Subscription to the New York Times. 

The electronic resources of the Science Library.

The electronic resources of the Science Library. Many useful online resources for study, in-depth analysis and research.

Signed ACM / CARE-CRUI trasformative agreement.

Signed ACM / CARE-CRUI trasformative agreement. For publishing in Open Access at no costs for authors.

Elsevier Open Access Agreement.

Elsevier Open Access Agreement. Allows publishing in open access at no additional cost. The University of Florence has joined the Crui-Elsevier 2023-2027 transformative agreement.


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