Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneo

Photos by Jacopo Biondi, Giulia Martelli e Ottavia Peruzzi, participants in the Photo contest Shots in the Library

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The Anthropology library reopens!

The Anthropology library reopens! Starting from Tuesday, October 15th

Piergiuseppe Scardigli: an exhibition and a conference in his honour.

Piergiuseppe Scardigli: an exhibition and a conference in his honour. Humanities Library, Piazza Brunelleschi 4 Florence 11-19 October

9 October, network outages at the Libraries.

9 October, network outages at the Libraries. From 4pm to 6pm

Springer vouchers running out during the week of October 7-11.

Springer vouchers running out during the week of October 7-11. For publishing in open access with APC covering costs

Some books of  the Technology Library - Architectural branch at the exhibition OltreCittà.

Some books of the Technology Library - Architectural branch at the exhibition OltreCittà. Villa Bardini -  Florence, 26/09/2024 – 19/01/2025 

Photo exhibition at the Social Sciences Library.

Photo exhibition at the Social Sciences Library. From FIAT to the Novoli Campus

Unavailability of the warehouse at the Science Library (Mathematics).

Unavailability of the warehouse at the Science Library (Mathematics). Document distribution suspended

Readings in the Centre at the Social Sciences Library.

Readings in the Centre at the Social Sciences Library. 3-6 October National Festival of the Civil Economy

Bibliotour at Liberal Arts Library.

Bibliotour at Liberal Arts Library. Available dates in English

Back to the regular opening hours!

Back to the regular opening hours! Liberal Arts and Social sciences Libraries open until 11.30pm during the week days and on Saturday 8.30am-7pm.


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