Sciences Library - maps on show at the Sciences Campus

Talking maps: reading the territory with maps - "Along the Arno" 

Sciences Library - maps on show at the Sciences Campus

As part of the popular event Scienzestate 2023, the exhibition Lungo l'Arno  (Along the Arno) can be visited at the Sciences Campus Library.

The exhibition, which originated from the Mappe parlanti  (Talking maps) workshop, proposes to follow the course of the river through a complete cartography, from Mount Falterona to its mouth in Marina di Pisa.

Places touched by the river along its route are highlighted, complete with information and curiosities. Visitors can provide further information by writing their own suggestions in the signature book.

Lungo l'Arno, il territorio e il fiume
Biblioteca del Polo Scientifico
Via Bernardini 6 - Campus Sesto Fiorentino
20 giugno - 30 ottobre 2023, ore 8.30-19.00 . Watch the video:

The exhibition displays maps, including historical ones, of the territory crossed by the Arno. The material comes from the Geology Branch of the Sciences Library.


A 1,000-piece jigsaw puzzle depicting a 17th century planisphere 

Nova Totius Terrarum Horbis Geographica Ac Hydrographica Tabula,

is waiting for you to start your study at the Campus with some relaxation or to take a 'creative' break.

Published on

08 September 2023


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