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The publisher Elsevier has notified Crui on 05 June 2024 the depletion of the fund related to publications in Gold Open access journals.
It means that from that date the publication costs, although discounted by 15 percent, will be borne entirely by the corresponding author.
Please note that this measure will also affect articles already under review but not yet accepted.
Therefore, it is advised NOT to submit articles to Elsevier's Gold Open Access journals, but to target, if scientifically possible, hybrid journals from Elsevier or other publishers for which coverage still remains very high.
The University of Florence has joined the transformative contracts signed in Italy by Care-Crui with the publishers ACM, ACS, AIP, Cambridge University Press, De Gruyter, Elsevier, Emerald, IEEE, IOP, Lippincott, RSC, Springer, and Wiley, with the formula “Read and Publish”, in addition to an international project, SCOAP3, which is also aimed at allowing open access (OA) publications without money contributions from the authors.
It also joined Frontiers' Institutional Program, which allows a 10% discount on APCs for publishing in open access.
According to the economic model of the transformative agreements, the expenditure incurred by academic institutions for the consultation of scientific journals is also extended to cover open access publishing (read & publish) by authors affiliated with such institutions, therefore they are no longer required to pay the so-called APCs (Article processing charge).
The OA option only applies to hybrid journals, that is to journals that publish with closed access but provide for the payment of APC to provide free access to individual published articles, not to Gold Open Access journals, that is to say to journals that already provide free access to all articles and published content.
Exceptions are some contracts (e.g., Cambridge University Press, Elsevier, Emerald, IEEE, IOP), whereby the OA option applies to both fully open Access (Gold OA) and hybrid journals.
To be able to use the OA option, the corresponding author must belong to one of the following categories:
The characteristics of the national transformative contracts signed in Italy by Care-Crui to which the University of Florence participates are summarized below according to each publisher.
Duration of the contract: four years (2020-2023). WAITING FOR RENEWAL
Contract terms and conditions: the costs incurred by the University for the consultation of periodicals also cover those for open access publications by affiliated authors. The number of tokens (articles) OA set out in the contract does not provide for a pre-established distribution between the participating institutions and is not unlimited, although it will increase during the four years until the total estimated requirements per contract year are covered.
Accessible content: the ACS contract provides access to the entire collection of electronic journals of the publisher (All Pubs package).
Where to publish: All authors affiliated with the University of Florence have the possibility to publish with open access in all the hybrid journals (Filter: Hybrid) of the publisher, with the exception of the full open-access journal ACS Omega, according to the modalities and the details that can be consulted on the publisher's website
Open access management: to submit the article to the chosen journal, the corresponding author must correctly select the affiliation to Unifi and use their institutional email address (, indicating also, if possible, their own ORCID. After the peer review phase, the corresponding author is informed of the existence of an agreement with the University that allows publishing the article accepted in open access mode without additional costs to the authors and is invited to choose whether to publish in closed or open access mode (OA option).
Once this choice has been communicated to the publisher, the publisher ‘holds the article pending’ until it receives confirmation of the affiliation of the corresponding author by the University Library System; once the confirmation has been received, the process of publication of the article in OA mode is initiated, without additional costs.
Types of articles: no restrictions
Who bears the costs?: University Library System
Duration of the contract: three-year (2023-2025)
Contract terms and conditions: the costs incurred by the University for the consultation of periodicals also cover those for open access publications by affiliated authors. It is possible to publish an unlimited number of articles in OA.
Accessible content: The CUP contract provides access to the titles of electronic periodicals included in the Cambridge Core Collection
Where to publish: All the authors affiliated to the University of Florence have the possibility to publish with open access in the journals, both hybrid and Gold Open Access, which are part of the Full Journal Package, according to the modalities and the details that can be consulted on the publisher's website
Open access management: to submit the article to the chosen journal, the corresponding author must correctly select the affiliation to Unifi and use their institutional email address (, indicating also, if possible, their own ORCID. After the peer review phase, the corresponding author is informed of the existence of an agreement with the University that allows publishing the article accepted in open access mode without additional costs to the authors and is invited to choose whether to publish in closed or open access mode (OA option).
Once this choice has been communicated to the publisher, the publisher ‘holds the article pending’ until it receives confirmation of the affiliation of the corresponding author by the University Library System; once the confirmation has been received, the process of publication of the article in OA mode is initiated, without additional costs.
Types of articles: Research articles, Review articles, Rapid communications, Brief reports and Case reports.
Book reviews, Discussions, Editorials, Introductions, Letters, Meeting reports and Proceedings are excluded.
Who bears the costs?: University Library System
Duration of the contract: three-year (2023-2025)
Contract terms and conditions: the costs incurred by the University for the consultation of periodicals also cover those for open access publications by affiliated authors. The number of OA tokens (articles) set in the contract does not provide for a pre-established distribution between the member institutions and it is not unlimited.
Accessible content: the contract provides access to the titles of electronic journals included in DeGruyter Online content – complete eJournal Package
Where to publish: All the authors affiliated with the University of Florence have the possibility to publish with open access in the hybrid journals, which are part of the complete eJournal Package, according to the modalities and the details that can be consulted on the publisher's website
Open access management: to submit the article to the chosen journal, the corresponding author must correctly select the affiliation to Unifi and use their institutional email address (, indicating also, if possible, their own ORCID. After the peer review phase, the corresponding author is informed of the existence of an agreement with the University that allows publishing the article accepted in open access mode without additional costs to the authors and is invited to choose whether to publish in closed or open access mode (OA option).
Once this choice has been communicated to the publisher, the publisher ‘holds the article pending’ until it receives confirmation of the affiliation of the corresponding author by the University Library System; once the confirmation has been received, the process of publication of the article in OA mode is initiated, without additional costs.
Types of articles: no restrictions
Who bears the costs?: University Library System
Duration of the contract: five-year (2020-2024)
Contract terms and conditions: the costs incurred by the University for the consultation of periodicals also cover those for open access publications by affiliated authors. The number of OA tokens (articles) set out in the contract does not provide for a pre-established distribution between the participating institutions and is not unlimited.
Accessible content: The contract provides access to the titles of electronic journals included in the Subscribed collections (Accounting, Finance & Economics eJournal Collection, Business, Management and Strategy eJournal Collection, Engineering eJournal Collection, HR, Learning & Organization Studies eJournal Collection, Marketing eJournal Collection, Operations, Logistics & Quality eJournal Collection, Public Policy & Environmental Management eJournal Collection).
Where to publish: All authors affiliated with the University of Florence have the possibility to publish, with open access, in the hybrid journals subscribed and in the gold OA journals, through the Emerald Open Research platform.
Open access management: to submit the article to the chosen journal, the corresponding author must correctly select the affiliation to Unifi and use their institutional email address (, indicating also, if possible, their own ORCID. The article submission process is managed by the publisher with guidelines specific for each journal.
After the peer review phase, the corresponding author is informed of the existence of an agreement with the University that allows publishing the article accepted in open access mode without additional costs to the authors and is invited to choose whether to publish in closed or open access (OA option) mode.
Once this choice has been communicated to the publisher, the publisher ‘holds the article pending’ until it receives confirmation of the affiliation of the corresponding author by the University Library System; once the confirmation has been received, the process of publication of the article in OA mode is initiated, without additional costs.
Types of articles: no restrictions
Who bears the costs?: University Library System
Where you can publish: all authors affiliated with the University of Florence have the opportunity to publish in Open Access in all 209 journals published by Frontiers in different subject areas.
Open Access Management: Authors of articles published in Open Access retain their copyright and grant the Publisher the right to publish such articles exclusively under a Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 licence that allows unlimited use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original authors and source are cited.
Types of articles eligible: All (e.g., Original research, Systematic Review, Clinical Trial, Case Report ...). Category D articles (e.g., Editorial, Book Review ...) are not subject to APC payment.
Who bears the costs?: Unifi Departments
Accessible content: The contract provides unlimited access to IOP Publishing's premium journal package of over 90 titles
Where to publish: All articles accepted for publication by corresponding authors affiliated with the University of Florence will be eligible for open access publication in almost all IOP Publishing journals. The Crui-Iop agreement covers hybrid and gold journals on the A, B and D lists
Open Access Management: Authors of articles published in Open Access retain their copyright and grant the Publisher the right to publish such articles preferably under a Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 licence, but exceptions are possible.
The workflow of Open Access publication is very essential:
Guidance for authors
IOP is committed to making it clear to authors that accepted articles are intended to be published in open access as part of the Crui-IOP 2023-2025 transformative contract and that no fee is required to be paid for open access publication of their articles.
Eligible authors will be identified through at least one of the following parameters: institution/affiliation name or email domain (
If the institution does not recognize the eligible author under the terms of the Crui-IOP contract, the corresponding author will be offered the option of paying APC outside the contract or publishing under the standard licence.
Upon publication, the Editor will provide the eligible author via e-mail with a link to the editorial version of their article with a mechanism to access the PDF copy and the DOI of the article.
Types of eligible articles: Paper, Special Issue Paper, Review and/or Letter.
Who bears the costs?: University Library System
Duration of the contract: three years (2021-2023). WAITING FOR RENEWAL
Contract terms and conditions: the costs paid by the university for consulting the periodicals also cover those for open access publications by the authors affiliated with Unifi . The number of OA tokens (items) fixed in the contract does not provide for a pre-established distribution between the participating institutions and is not unlimited.
Eligible articles will be those accepted by the editorial team for publication in Lippincott's hybrid journals with an acceptance date within the term of the contract.
However, a procedure will be implemented for the retrospective conversion into open access of articles published not in OA starting from January 1, 2021, based on the capacity of the APC Fund.
Accessible content: access via the Ovid platform to the 76 titles subscribed by Unifi.
Where to publish: all authors affiliated with the University of Florence have the possibility to publish in open access in the 171 hybrid journals subscribed by the Institutions adhering to the Crui-Lippincott contract.
Open access management: for the submission of the article to the chosen journal, the corresponding author correctly selects the Unifi affiliation and uses the institutional email (@, also indicating, if possible, the ORCID. After the peer review phase, the corresponding author is informed of the existence of an agreement with the University that allows the accepted article to be published in open access at no additional cost to the authors and is invited to choose whether to publish in closed or open access (OA option). Instructions for authors.
The initial choice of OA is not related only to the journals on which it is possible to publish for free, Lippincott 's offer applies to all journals as the platform is unique for all international agreements that the publisher manages, and is therefore the same platform for all magazines. The selection of the journals eligible for the Crui-Lippincott contract takes place only in the final step linked to the payment, which is obviously not due for the authors affiliated to Unifi.
Lastly, we point out that the message authors receive informing them that they may be eligible for funding is not an automatic guarantee that their article will be funded for OA. Confirmation will take place only when affiliation is confirmed by the University Library System and only after this confirmation the process of publishing the article in OA will be started, at no additional cost.
Types of articles: Original Paper, Review Paper.
Who bears the costs?: University Library System
Duration of the SCOAP3 project: Three-year (2020-2022)
What does the project entail?: It is an initiative launched by CERN in 2014 and has now reached the third phase (2020-2022) which is an international scientific collaboration between public research bodies and universities, aimed at supporting the costs of publishing in Gold Open Access journals of Particle Physics material.
This collaboration was formalized with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) by the University of Florence, subsequently ratified by agreements between CRUI and INFN, which represents the reference institution for Italy.
The costs for the financing of the project are borne by the Universities, among which the University of Florence and research entities that subscribed to the journals included in the initial phase of the project and in the subsequent phases.
Accessible content: Access to the full OA journals included in the project.
Where publish: All authors affiliated with the University of Florence have the possibility to publish with open access, at no additional cost, in the following journals:
•Chinese Physics C- IOP
•The European Physical Journal C - Springer Nature
•The Journal of High Energy Physics - Springer Nature
•Nuclear Physics B - Elsevier
•Physics Letters B - Elsevier
•Physical Review C - APS Physics
•Physical Review D - APS Physics
•Physical Review Letters - APS Physics
Open access management: to submit the article to the chosen journal, the corresponding author must correctly indicate the affiliation to Unifi and use their institutional email address (, including also, if possible, their own ORCID. Specific indications are contained on the websites of the various journals (for example Physical Review C).
Types of articles: no restrictions
Who bears the costs?: University Library System
Duration of the contract: five-year (2020-2024)
Contract terms and conditions: the costs incurred by the University for the consultation of periodicals also cover those for open access publications by affiliated authors. The number of OA tokens (articles) set out in the contract does not provide for a pre-established distribution between the participating institutions and is not unlimited.
Accessible content: The contract provides access to the 2,344 titles of electronic journals included in the Springer Compact and Single Title Journal Subscriptions (including the Springer, Addis, Palgrave titles), available on the platform SpringerLink
Where to publish: All authors affiliated with the University of Florence have the possibility to publish in open access in the 2,037 hybrid journals subscribed in accordance with the procedures available on the publisher’s website
Open access management: for the presentation of the article to the chosen journal the corresponding author must correctly select the affiliation to Unifi and uses their institutional email address (, following the instructions defined by the publisher for the corresponding authors.
After the peer review phase, the corresponding author is informed of the existence of an agreement with the University that allows publishing the article accepted in open access mode without additional costs to the authors and is invited to choose whether to publish in closed or open access mode (OA option).
Once this choice has been communicated to the publisher, the publisher ‘holds the article pending’ until it receives confirmation of the affiliation of the corresponding author by the University Library System; once the confirmation has been received, the process of publication of the article in OA mode is initiated, without additional costs.
Types of articles: original papers and review papers. Excludes brief communications
Who bears the costs?: University Library System
Duration of the contract: (2024-2027)
Contract terms and conditions: Access to subscribed resources included in the Wiley Online Library platform with the chance for eligible Authors from contracted Institutions to publish scientific articles under an Open Access licence in all Hybrid and Gold OA journals published by the publisher.
The number of OA tokens (articles) set out in the contract does not provide for a pre-established distribution between the participating institutions and is not unlimited.
Accessible content: The contract provides for access to the titles of electronic journals included in the Wiley Online Library Database Collection
Where to publish: All the authors affiliated with the University of Florence have the possibility to publish with open access in the more than 1,350 hybrid journals and all Gold Open Access journalsincluded in the Wiley Online Library.
Hindawi journals are excluded from the contract.
Open access management: For 2024, CC BY 4.0 will be set as the default licence, however, it will also be possible for authors to publish under CC BY NC ND 4.0.
The Wiley support team will place the article in the normal workflow for approval by the institution.Types of articles: Case Study, Commentary, Data Article, Education, Lecture, Method and Protocol, Perspective, Practice and Policy, Rapid Publication, Research Article, Review Article, Short Communication e Technical Note.
Who bears the costs?: University Library System
Last update